Welcome to

Knock On Wood Tap Studio, Inc.

~ A 501(3)(c) charitable organization ~

Capitol Tap & District Tap

~ Resident Companies at Knock On Wood Tap Studio ~

2025 Winter/Spring Session

Look ahead at our Winter/Spring Session, which runs from January 6 to June 8, 2025. Sign up for classes anytime!

30th Anniversary Showcase - Save the Date!

Mark your calendars!  Our 30th anniversary showcase and celebratory reception will be on June 1 at 2pm! Not only will there be student performances, there will be special guests from our past, performing and attending.

30th Anniversary Video Project

Help us get the celebration going! We want to create one video from as many short video greetings as you submit to Knock On Wood Tap Studio in honor of our 30th anniversary. Wish us happy anniversary, say something about KOW, talk about an experience from our history, or whatever you would like to say — video it on your phone and send it to us here by April 2! We look forward to your clips (under 30 seconds, please)!


COVID-19 policy update: Beginning Saturday, April 29, 2023, we will no longer require vaccinations to participate in Knock On Wood classes and events, and masks will be optional but strongly encouraged, especially in large classes. 

TAP DOC - Watch It Now!

Check out our Gallery page to watch the 10-minute Tap Doc created by Lauren Mitchell, featuring interviews with Baakari Wilder, Victoria Dillon, Gigi Buscaglio and Nick Young.

Inclement Weather Policy

Knock On Wood Tap Studio mostly follows DC Schools for weather closings. HOWEVER, it is always best to check here or on our Facebook page, and/or call the studio, as we will post same-day notices if the studio is closed.


Additionally, if the threat of weather might make it unsafe to travel, we will run classes online to the extent possible. If both teacher and students find it impossible to be online, a make-up session will be scheduled. Teachers will include specific class updates in their weekly emails to their students.

Photo by Abby Ginter
Photo by Abby Ginter

Knock On Wood on Facebook & Instagram

A terrific way to be "in the know" is to join KOW on Facebook. Become a "fan," and you'll find it simple to keep abreast of news, coming events, and all kinds of TapHappiness! Please stop by often, and you can also follow us on Instagram.