Deadline for submissions:
Sunday, May 19, 2024
Dear Knock On Wood Students and Families,
Knock On Wood’s Student Showcase, which features all KOW students, young and old, will be held at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 2, 2024 at Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring. Come support our students!
The Showcase will also include guest appearances by Capitol Tap, District Tap, and Monumental Tap, our resident tap companies, and possibly other special guests.
Each year, KOW prepares a wonderful program book for the Showcase.
Please take this opportunity to honor and call attention to your own favorite Knock On Wood dancer or faculty member, and at the same time make a tax deductible contribution which helps our organization thrive. You can purchase a personalized announcement in a variety of sizes; from a business card size to a full page.
We also encourage families to consider purchasing a sponsorship announcement for their own business, as well as to help us solicit sponsorship from other local businesses – your favorite restaurants, your hairdresser or vet, your corner coffee shop, etc.
Please remember that Knock On Wood Tap Studio, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), so all sponsorships are tax deductible. We can reproduce a business card for just $60; sizes and placements are available up to, and including, a full page at $300.
How to make a Program Book submission:
If you have any questions, please email us or call us at (202) 722-1625.
Thank you in advance for your support of this important fundraising effort. If everyone pitches in, we’ll make this the best year ever!
Knock On Wood Tap Studio
6925 Willow Street NW #101
Washington, DC 20012
202-722-1625 *